It goes without saying that 2020 was a challenge for all, in more ways than one. However, we’re firm believers that good things can come from the bad. God is able to do some pretty incredible things with rough situations.

And last year was no exception. It’s been a blessing to be a part of so many missions, witnessing big changes internally and externally.

The following is a snapshot of what we were up to in 2020! Interested in partnering in similar ways? We’d love to connect.

Impact Upgrade

1 companies launched 🙂

10 team members, partnering solely with nonprofits

2 brand new products launched (Nonprofit Nucleus, SMS Super Sheet)

1 products being completely revamped (Donation Spring)

737 tasks completed

430 support tickets closed

Countless coffees consumed


$1,944,015 total donations processed (most of our partners started mid-year, so the totals only reflect 1/2 or 1/4 of the total year)

14,146 number of individual donations processed

$363,411 funds raised for organizations through Donation Spring

$8,359 additional funds received to cover transactional fees (appr 50% success rate)

All partners that met or exceeded 2019 funding in 2020 (despite COVID and a recession)

Communication and Outreach

52,636 text messages sent and received

Countless automated emails sent

3 websites launched

Operations and Tech

Dozens # of custom platforms launched

Dozens # of platforms removed or replaced/simplified

Dozens # of staff able to re-focus on strategic efforts, rather than tedium

$40-60k annual tech budget savings

12+ payment gateways consolidated or replaced

Security and Privacy

2 significant data leaks discovered and corrected

High amount of security, privacy, GDPR, etc. risks mitigated

Direct Impact

Most funds raised directly translate to rescue and redemption of kids from sex trafficking

47 highly interactive (live polling, trivia, gameshow, etc.) events completed

148,573 vulnerable responses (focused on mental health and suicide prevention) received through the live polling platform

1,169 acts of kindness and home improvement projects for neighbors in need

342 individual volunteers supported

16 judicial cases influenced to protect at-risk women and kids from being re-victimized